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Just A Thought ~ 2009

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December 2009 ~ The End of An Era
Reflecting on many years of wondering, searching, hoping and dreaming I thought that the most important thing to find was Love. Whether it was to love someone or to love myself I found, at times, that love had a way of coming and going, being here one moment and then gone the next ~
November 2009 ~ The Voice Of Legends
What is your motive ~ Who is controlling your life ~ The voices of many or the voices of One?
October 2009 ~ The Circles of Life
Less than a year ago I was searching the internet for various techniques and practitioners and stumbled across a website that offered instrumental tools for releasing old patterns, thought processes and unlocking the gates of potential of a higher purpose. And what a gem I found to share with you...
September 2009 ~ Mirror Mirror
Every morning we wake up and begin the same routine usually checking ourselves in the mirror. Perhaps this ritual gives us a starting point as to where to begin our daily preparation...
August 2009 ~ The Secret Prevails
If you were asked to give up your “life” as you know it to be ~ what, why and for whom would it be worth doing so?
July 2009 ~ The Journey of A Song
What touches you? What have you found on this lifelong journey that illuminates the very essence of your soul?
June 2009 ~ The Maze of Life
We all have it coming one day ~ the end of life as we know it to be today...The end is the end no matter how we get there so, I wonder, why is the fear of death so frightening to some people? Is it because of our fears of the unknown or the fears of the known?
May 2009 ~ The Hunger Within
Refer to a time in your life that was a life changing moment, one that left a crease or a permanent scar on your heart, your body or your record. This moment in your life was an opportunity for you to face and challenge yourself, and perhaps those around you, and what you thought you knew and believed in.
April 2009 ~ Another Perspective
At times, it may seem to others that I skipped a beat when all I did was just take a break to listen, once again, to the music.
February 2009 ~ The Power of Thought
How much of our lives do we live in the present moment ~ in the present time. We seem to carry our karma on our sleeves whether it be from many lifetimes or perhaps from the present one but why oh why can we not figure out the reason for letting go and living on so we can continue to move along in this journey called “life”.
January 2009 ~ The Gift of Life ~ A New Year
We seem to assess and re-assess where we are and determine that something needs to change in our lives to make us happy. And I whole heartedly agree ~ something does need to change.

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Just A Thought Newsletters by Michaelene is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.