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Just A Thought ~ 2009 > November 2009 ~ The Voice Of Legends
November 2009 ~ The Voice Of Legends

The Voice of Legends

Sun2Soul Newsletter
November 2009

Many of us may recall times in our lives when we have heard the tsunami of opinions and advice of others while we are doing the best we can just to survive the day. And, if the conversation is from a close friend or family member then we may be more vulnerable in certain situations. There may be valuable insights to learn from each other as we plod along together and, mostly alone, on our way, on this path to somewhere, to no where, to heaven or hell. Depending upon your personal beliefs there are an array of adventures awaiting you every day of your life ~ I dont think we have to die to get there.

And on this journey we are destined, perhaps, to meet certain people and experience a vast number of possibilities ~ the what ifs and the what nots. The lessons to learn seem to repeat as patterns until we get the intended point of the lesson and, for some, addictions, obsessions, compulsions, possessions and/or fears play important roles. The choice is one we must make on our own each and every day as to whose voice will we listen to while hiding in the isolated corners of our world better known as the cubicle. Which voice to listen to while driving home in bumper to bumper traffic and contemplating our thoughts while listening to the radio hosts persuasive views? Which voice will comfort you while lying awake in bed at night for hours on end when everyone else appears to be sleeping peacefully?

The voices change everyday with everyone in every situation. No wonder we may feel as if we dont make a connection with people as we casually stroll through our lives risking as little as possible to budget our time and money, to save ourselves from judgment or ridicule, or to avoid the truth of what we so desperately need from each other. The neighbor who has lived beside you for years ~ the one you say hello to when you take out the garbage and you cant even remember their name. Your colleagues at work who keep you informed of the latest gossip, the bill collectors who call to find out that youre never home. Were finding more and more ways to avoid getting to genuinely know each other and to face the facts. We are a society that is living our lives in isolation or fear even though there are others around us we know in our hearts they have no idea of what is really going on inside of us.

Sure, we get married, we have children, we have friends, we win awards, we can count on our fingers and toes just how many people we have in our lives that remember our birthday or send holiday cards to us every year more out of habit or obligation and less from the heart. Just how genuine are these people in our lives ~ do we get involved and let them see who we are or do they only associate with us when they need someone to listen to them or need something from us? Sometimes they may need comfort because they are facing a dilemma or because they are afraid to be alone with themselves and forced to hear the voices for one more day.

We all have our fears and insecurities, doubts, worry, anger and confusions ~ I think thats how I am constantly reminded that I am still human. The human frailties are easy to find fault within each one of us and its easy to do when we are face to face with our greatest fear in life. Its easy for us to project our thoughts and emotions onto others or to assume that we are responsible for another persons misery and destiny. The one person you are responsible for from birth until your passing is yourself ~ no one else has that responsibility for you nor should they ever have it as they must bear the weight of their own lives. Parents are the caretakers for their children and have the most important role an adult could ever have in regards to another person, I believe. And even in these situations we see that a fear can be cast upon an innocent, a good Samaritan, a friend or an enemy all because we are afraid to be accountable to ourselves, to listen to, and more importantly, follow our own voice that comes from within the essence of our very being. The one that was instilled in you since birth, the one you know wants the best for you and not necessarily the best for your ego or bank account.

How often do you seek the voices of others ~ how often do you seek and listen to your own counsel? Do you trust yourself to know the difference ~
And when you do offer your advice or guidance to another unsuspecting soul are your motives based upon your need to control that person because of your own judgments and insecurities or are you being genuine in the moment and exposing your true identity at the risk of being known for who you truly are with no attachment to the outcome.

What is your motive ~
Who is controlling your life ~
The voices of many or the voices of One?

"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness.
And they live by what they hear.
Such people become crazy &
Or they become legend."
Jim Harrison

Journey within ~

Intuitive Consultant (Personal, Hospice, Business)

Copyright 2009