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Just A Thought ~ 2009 > May 2009 ~ The Hunger Within
May 2009 ~ The Hunger Within

The Hunger Within
May 2009   
Sun2Soul Transitions Newsletter

Everyday we wake up and do the same things over and over again. Have you ever noticed that one day is like the next is like the next is like…well, the last one?

Take a look at your life and see how many times you do the same things each day, every day, and sometimes more than once a day. We eat three meals a day, we bathe at least once a day, we work for hours on end, we talk to the same people at work and at home, and we think about the same things most of the time ~ you know, the obsessive thoughts we just can’t seem to shake from our minds. Somehow we think we are being judged by a clock of some kind whether it be the clock on the wall, the time clock at work, a biological clock that is ticking by or the clock that the body follows before it sleeps for eternity. Life keeps coming at us day in and day out offering us millions of opportunities to envision the day ahead and, possibly, try something different ~ to simply just go for it. I don’t mean the low risk categories such as trying a new restaurant with your date or driving a new route to work or being the first in line for the summer’s newest blockbuster movie.

On occasion we might get caught in a snare where we are “forced” to act differently because of some outside influence that occurred and caused a change in plans. What was expected to be an ordinary day turned out to be one interrupted by chaos, disruption, turmoil, a motion to file for divorce, diagnosis, argument, financial upheaval or the loss of a loved one. Remember what you were doing the day The Challenger space shuttle disintegrated before our eyes on live television or perhaps, more recently, the fateful day of 9/11? People of all ages have been affected by these events as they were witnessed by hundreds of millions of people as the shock that was felt around the world.

There are many forces that can affect our waking moments and our normal routines and I think that many people have become “comfortably numb” with their wait and see attitude and then deal with it if it happens ~ which may work in some scenarios. However, I am directing my thoughts in this edition towards the forces that come from within us ~ and finding out just what it feels and/or sounds like, and what is expressed from our fears, hopes and dreams. What catapults your dreams from being unreachable and into your reality of now?

Take the time to examine your own forces from within and you may find that there is something there for you to discover and to realize your highest potential. What is wrestling beneath the three inch heels, demanding the cosmetic implants, and driving the sporty sedan? What is the true momentum behind your supposed dreams and lifelong goal(s)? If you don’t take the time now you will most likely be forced to take the time sooner than later at least once in your life to assess where you are, where you have been, where you are going , and who is really there for you~ and I don’t mean on your three day weekend. It may be easier to take life in stride when you plan ahead as compared to when you fall behind. Refer to a time in your life that was a life changing moment, one that left a crease or a permanent scar on your heart, your body or your record ~ you may know what I mean. This moment in your life was an opportunity for you to face and challenge yourself, and perhaps those around you, and what you thought you knew and believed in. And, life seems to slowly grant the light of mercy on these dark shadows and we move on and hopefully, we don’t just survive, but we learn to resist less and begin to live in the moment of now.

Investigate your own feelings about what is going on in the areas of your life that really matter to you ~ where you want to be, who you want to be, who you want to be with, and how you want to enjoy and live your life to the fullest. As a culture, I believe we have spent too many years chasing the addictions of our egos and fears instead of considering that the pangs we feel is from the hunger from within our soul. The discontentment with ourselves, our relationships, the prince who never came and the lottery that is yet to be won, the job where loyalty has died and tension abides. Somewhere in our lives we have a shoe that just doesn’t (or won’t) fit no matter how hard we try to squeeze our way into it, we are finding out now, that it will never be.

Or perhaps it was never meant to be ~ it was what it was and that was all it was meant to be in our lives, in our hearts, and on our resumes. What we thought was “it” turned out to be not what we thought and so, we feel let down, discouraged, disappointed, unhappy, unfulfilled, or depressed.

What is it that we are seeking in our lives that we have this yearning to not be alone, for some, a compulsion to be an addict, and for others, a dream to follow our hearts or artistic endeavors? We have a force within us, which I refer to as the soul, and use it as I would a compass. When we listen to its’ guiding influence we may be able to fill our days with thoughtful purpose, intention, and prayer/meditation which in turn consumes the hunger we feel and peace is born again. Words mean something, actions are genuine, and relationships are tried and true. I’m sure you know what if feels or sounds like when you are with someone or go somewhere you didn’t feel was the direction you needed to go in. Check your intuitive compass to see what direction it is pointing in and ask for clear direction and listen.

So how can we be better prepared to see what is coming ahead in our lives when we are fairly conscious of our decisions and karma and come to understand that, yes, bad things can happen to good people, too? Take the time to listen and address what is going on with you now…your feelings, your thoughts, your words, and your actions. Determine if all of these elements equate with each other. Hopefully, you have a person in your life you can genuinely trust and respect to let you know when you are not advancing in the direction you sincerely claim you desire to go in. One of my favorite books is Seat of the Soul by Gary Zukav and in his workshops he brings to light the need and purpose for spiritual partnership* in our lives. This partnership does not necessarily represent a soul mate or a best friend but someone you make an agreement to support your spiritual growth for as long as you are both growing from the experience.

And, the first person you make this agreement with is to yourself. Once you make this commitment, you will find that you aren’t as hungry anymore.

* Please visit http://www,seatofthesoul.com/guidelines.html for the spiritual partnership guidelines as recommended by The Seat of the Soul Institute.

Enjoy your journey ~

Intuitive Consultant (Personal, Business, Hospice)

Copyright 2009