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Just A Thought ~ 2009 > August 2009 ~ The Secret Prevails
August 2009 ~ The Secret Prevails

How many times do we find ourselves in a moment where we realize that by making a single decision we could change the course of our entire lifetime? Little by little we make daily decisions that have a domino effect on our lives however, I am addressing a singular moment where we are given an opportunity to pursue our dreams, chase away our insecurities, or comfort our fearful minds. And the decision we make in that instant defines our very being representing all that we stand for or all that we will allow to lead us to our possible demise.

It seems as if people are making these kind of decisions everyday. Because of our fast paced society we may overlook the precious moments that some people in our lives are making ~ an attempt to control their destiny or to continue to live as a victim in their final years and hours of their lives. Look around you in your close knit circle of friends, family and coworkers and see how many people are dealing with life altering decisions such as cancer, mental illness, addiction, financial inadequacies, career changes, marriage, divorce and the like. Whether the decision is based upon health, love, money or geography our lives are destined to noticeably change several times throughout the course of our “history” and what we decide to do within minutes or even choose to procrastinate will affect the outcome as to what direction we will move in. Even more importantly I think it is worth the effort to observe ourselves as to why we are making the decision we have decided to make but also, why are we in this predicament now?

Aside from suicide or winning the lottery, which may seem as if these may be intentional or random acts of fate, I want you to take a few minutes and look back upon your life. What significant opportunities presented themselves to you demanding an immediate action or response ~ one that you would only need to give once and then, the opportunity was gone?

I recently experienced quite an eye opening revelation about how quickly my life could change because of a single decision. Without going into too many details the bottom line can be simply stated. If I agreed to live with an older wealthy man, be his companion and take care of him for the rest of his days, as he stated, then he would give me financial security.

I didn’t even know his last name, at the time, as he was an acquaintance of a colleague of mine but needless to say I was quite surprised to hear such an offer by someone who was actually in the financial position to do so. Somehow this “offer” did not fit into my idea of what the perfect picture would be for me to share my life with someone or as they say “’til death do we part.” He even told me that he had been married a number of times and, if I was interested in marriage, then he would consider that as a possibility. Thank goodness I was sitting down when he proposed such an unbelievable offer from the other side of his desk. I will admit that I thought for a moment that I was dreaming and I was not really having this experience as this usually happens on a television show or to Anna Nicole Smith ~ and, for the record, I am not a blonde bombshell!

Aside from the shock waves that were going through my mind I was very much in the moment and wondered the question “why me?” Why would such a person of supposed material, financial power and influence want someone he didn’t even know to take on such an important role in his life? It seemed as if I had something he needed and thought he could buy or that he was used to buying and that it was more like a business arrangement instead of one based on a respectful love. What made the conversation even stranger to me was that he wanted an immediate answer. Needless to say, he was asking me to change my entire life, where I live, how I live my life, and most likely what I enjoy doing with my free time and friends. None of this seemed to be important to him other than that I make a decision. I told him that I must have made a pretty good first impression a few days earlier and that I was honored (as he was willing to share his home and life with me). And, as I continued to observe the spiritual dynamics of the conversation, I listened to my intuitive guidance as it was nudging me gently out from the corners and into the center of the boxing ring. He emphasized that he had learned in his life that ninety percent is luck and the other ten percent is IF you happen to be standing at the RIGHT door and that door OPENS then you WALK THROUGH IT. As he shared his viewpoint he was attempting to intimidate me as he glared into my eyes without blinking and I responded looking deeply through his eyes to see what was behind the offer. In my mind, I wondered if the 90+10=100% then where was God in the equation. Though I did not ask him this particular question I found it to be more of an observation of myself as to see where I was in my life ~ what really mattered to me at this juncture. Was it really the dream of financial or social security I was seeking or was spiritual security becoming more of a quantifiable number in the equation of my life?

That day I did make a decision and, once again, I took back my power realizing that for many years I had given my life away for what “appeared” to be financial security when it was only an illusion. The Universe had answered my prayers and had given me another opportunity to see exactly what was it that I really wanted in this lifetime and at this time in my life. Where was I going and the reason as to why I was going in a certain direction seemed to be more obvious to me because of this conversation especially when I realized that there was nothing "personal" about the offer made from this man to me ~ hence the anonymity of it all. But I was faced with myself and my values head on and a decision had to be made face to face yet this time with compassion and a clearer sense of direction.

The Universe seemed to be asking me “what do you want?” and, without much hesitation, I freely chose my life, my heart, and my soul’s purpose.

What would you choose if a similar offer were made to you? If you were asked to give up your “life” as you know it to be ~ what, why and for whom would it be worth doing so… what secret prevails within you and, at what cost?

Life is the journey!

Intuitive Consultant (Personal, Business, Hospice/Emergency Transitions)