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Just A Thought ~ 2009 > July 2009 ~ The Journey of A Song
July 2009 ~ The Journey of A Song

We are given many opportunities throughout our lifetime to fade away into the abyss of isolation. We may believe we are alone and discover that no one is there for us or the one we want to be with us may as well be living in another galaxy. And so, we walk the road alone whether it be for a few moments or months it can feel like a lifetime when we are not touched, in some fashion, in our soul.

When I have discussed this topic in the past with friends I fondly referred to what I call as the “ET effect” ~ when the soul is touched it lights up similarly to how the young boy did when the alien touched him in the movie, “ET”. As the long scaly fingers reached out towards the boy’s chest “ET” innocently invited the audience to explore the possibility that an “alien” could connect to the heart and soul of a young boy. Sometimes when a soul is touched you can see the person light up as if their soul is expanding ~ carrying their heart beyond the illusionary walls of the body and brain. In my opinion, this is what genuine healing is ~ when the soul arises or resurrects from the depths of a hell and it begins to reveal its’ true beauty and take in the breath of life. Where the superficial barriers such as those presented by the body and the ego are moved to the side where their resistance is less intrusive. In these moments that I refer to as glimpses we are able to encounter the true pulse of life which connects us all to the Universe, including each other. Perhaps we can even connect with the “ET” that is within us all and see beyond the metaphor of the alien body and find that we may not have the same bodies but that we are all one in the same.

What touches you? What have you found on this lifelong journey that illuminates the very essence of your soul? For some people it may be watching their child in a school play or watching the sunrise or sunset display its’ magnificent colors across the canvas of the sky. In this newsletter I am specifically addressing the places, things, and forces that embrace your soul releasing the fears that may have previously overshadowed or possibly revealing to you for the first or one hundredth time ~ its’ divine beauty that is buried beneath or blooming within you.

Music is one of the forms of art that can be duplicated and taken wherever you go as you can hear the words in your mind or hum the tune to yourself it is portable and free and can be as contagious as a yawn when you hear a certain beat. It is a universal gift and language that people of all cultures and even animals understand the tones in their own way. Similar to writing, music has a way that is capable of taking the listener back to a time or to explore a dream or wish of faith, hope, and love. Feelings, like music, can change due to the passing of time, an artist’s interpretation or the healing of a broken heart.

Recall a popular tune that you enjoyed listening to when you were growing up and notice how you may remember what was going on in your life at the time ~ what grade you were in school, who was your best friend, etc. Experience any thoughts, smells or feelings that may return to you and see if you are consumed in the moment of time that the song returns you to at that point in your life. Now when you hear that same song today are you taken back to that particular time or perhaps do you realize how much you have grown since that former era of your youth? In some ways, to me, it seems as if I have traveled through time quickly and music is one way to quickly “transport” me to another time and place in a matter of seconds with vivid memories and feelings.

I have been blessed with opportunities to be touched by the words of an inspirational speaker or read the thoughts of a seasoned writer and moved by the colors painted by an artist’s brush. And though these moments may be self-revealing none seem to penetrate my soul, my very being, as consistently and, sometimes, as unexpectedly as music. Since I was a young child I can remember playing 45’s on my portable Wildcat stereo and tape recording the newest tunes from my Radio Shack AM handheld radio as I played DJ, singer, and announcer. Of course, I was also an actress so I used a pencil to stand in for a microphone as I belted out the words to each song with such great emotion and newfound passion. I recall my mother overhearing my indoor concert as she passed by my room asking me if I knew what the words meant that I was singing and she told me that the feelings the words expressed were not ones that a young girl would know at my age. To tell you the truth I had no clue what I was really singing about though I knew every word to the song. I did not have the emotional maturity to comprehend the words and connect the feelings as only life would allow through experiences of the heart. I didn’t realize what the words meant to Carly Simon’s song until years later when I heard the song on the radio I was taken back to that moment in time as a child. I remembered seeing my mother’s wincing eye with her head turned and I found myself giggling and recalling a special moment in my life. Yes, my mother was right about the words!

Music has ebb and a flow and can be taken anywhere and listened to again and again. Over time I find that my reaction to the same song will differ as I tune into other sounds of the bass line, the background accompaniment of a tambourine or applying the haunting lyrics to my life. The words and notes seem to take on another meaning as I venture through the corridors of my life maneuvering my emotions in and around the lyrics and, like the surfer on the wave, riding out the mysterious journey of a song.

Recently, I was reminded of the power that music plays in my life. Music has always been therapeutic for me since I can remember ~ it helps me sort my feelings, vent, and express emotions I have or have not yet processed completely. I usually enjoy listening and singing to music while driving my car though, due to a leg injury, I was unable to drive my car for three months and so, music was not a ritual for me as it once had been. When I began driving again and listening to music I was reminded of how the heart of my soul was touched when I sang to my favorite tunes. I was quickly overcome with a wave of what had been stagnant emotions and the music seemed to gently maneuver me towards the next stage in healing the connection between my body and soul. I felt as if I had died and was resuscitated by the gift of music ~ a gift of life.

What a beautiful gift we have to share with each other and with ourselves ~ one that we can intimately preserve within the confines of our lives or share our souls with others along the path of our journey. And the millions of songs that have been sung around the world for years seem to share a common bond with those of us who can appreciate the talent, the ingenuity, the perspective and the beauty of a gift that has an incredible ability to heal like no medicine will ever be able to treat. Music can heal the mind, music can heal the heart, music can heal the soul though we all step to the beat of a different drummer we have the opportunity to meld and identify with the rhythm of the Universe.

I now more clearly and fully understand when a musician says that music not only comes from the soul but music can soothe the soul. Based upon my experiences, I would also add that it can save a soul, as well.

Enjoy your musical journey!

Intuitive Consultant (Personal, Business, Hospice)

Copyright 2009