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Just A Thought ~ 2009 > February 2009 ~ The Power of Thought
February 2009 ~ The Power of Thought

The Power of Thought

Day to day, moment to moment we are living our lives mostly unconsciously and remembering the milemarkers either induced by the pain of trauma, the joy of being in love or the separation of divorce whether it be of a marriage, a family or a friendship. How much of our lives do we live in the present moment ~ in the present time. We seem to carry our karma on our sleeves whether it be from many lifetimes or perhaps from the present one but why oh why can we not figure out the reason for letting go and living on so we can continue to move along in this journey called “life”.

There are times in our lives where we simply get “stuck”. We just can’t seem to shake those repetitive thoughts such as our first or last marriage, or forgiving someone for something they don’t even know they did to us. We can’t sleep, or we sleep too much, we can’t eat, or we eat too much, we hide somewhere in the corners of our mind or the corners of our closet so we don’t have to reveal what we are truly thinking or feeling in the present moment. And we wonder why we are missing out on life.

Could it be because of our inability to make better choices in life ~ the ones that build character, trust, respect, and dignity not necessarily in the minds of others but for our own sense of integrity and honor. Perhaps this is what our parents and/or grandparents worked so hard to maintain and instill in the younger generations. A sense of honest pride, not a false one, a sense of well-being and not one purchased from a bottle over the counter, a sense of community and not one that you find only in your therapist’s office or from the sip of a glass.

Where do we find these things that really matter to us in life? We are in the beginnings of learning that there is a Law in respect to the power we have given to money, and houses, titles, and cars, and more and more things. We, as a society will learn to value and appreciate the Law of Reciprocation (do unto others as you would do unto yourself) and to learn that you are not to place your power outside of your soul source, spirit, or higher power and God. When we do, we find that we are lost and soon feel abandoned and alone, powerless as many claim as to what is going on today in the financial and housing markets and even more at the mercy of man regarding their jobs and the massive layoffs that are taking place. We have placed our power outside of ourselves and, in my belief, we are learning the importance of another Law which is not to place your power outside of our soul source (the first commandment, do not worship false images). Consider this Law as possible insight as to why things are happening the way they are—and we are finding it hard to let go of these material objects and “possessions” and finding that we allowed these “things” to possess us while our thoughts were obsessing about the next greatest thing, job, relationship or contact we could move on to for personal gain.

So what would make it easier for us? Try something new—let go of these things that possess you that mean truly nothing to your soul. Keep the genuine people in your life ~ the loves, the friends, the family, the soul connections you have established so you will see more clearly and adeptly as to how to proceed and live your life in the truth. No longer hiding behind credit card debt, the house you could never afford, or the new car you really didn’t need. We have fed our egos long enough. Now it is time to place our egos on a diet ~ no, better said, it would be better to place our egos in a new direction ~ a new lifestyle. One that we can afford and maintain and not ask future generations to pay for our inconsistent methods of madness while we chased the tails of our egos around and around wondering what to do next.

We needed this change for the better. As we all know change can be difficult when we are living unconsciously day in and day out not realizing the marketing madness of manipulation by advertisers that is used to control our financial security that leads to our feeling insecure not only financially but emotionally, too. We have to buy the latest trends, the newest things to keep up with the Joneses. Where are the Joneses now? My guess is they are not living next door to any of us anymore ~ because they have become bankrupt, lost their home, lost their car, their jobs, but worse than that is to lose that which we truly love. Our families, our children, our partners, loves, and spouses, and for many, our beloved pets. These connections are where it is at for humanity ~ to get back to the basics of where we need to be. Though we may not be able to erase the memory of our past decisions and spontaneous choices we are able to make better decisions as to determine what really matters in our lives.

Take the time now to decide what is best for you while striving to become the best person YOU can be in this moment. Day by day, hour by hour we make choices that affect not only our lives but the ones closest to us, as well. We’ve been careless and listened to the rantings of our egos for long enough. Have we heard enough or do you want more? Do you want genuine change for all or continue on the path of destruction following the noise of countless addictions to our egos. Step back and review what really matters to you now in your life. What would you be doing now regardless of the pay, regardless of the title and image ~ allow the child within you to inspire you to open up and reveal its’ dream. It’s that gentle suggestion that says “wow, if I could be anything I would be a(n) ___________”.

What did you say or did you hear or see it before you? Imagine a way that you can contribute to this world in your own way whether it be part-time or full-time, volunteer for a day or on a regular basis. Open up your heart with your soul as you may be finding out that the key of ego doesn’t unlock your soul’s true potential.

Take back your power. Be conscious ~ be clear ~ let all that you do be done in Love.

Enjoy the journey!
