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Just A Thought ~ 2009 > September 2009 ~ Mirror Mirror
September 2009 ~ Mirror Mirror

Mirror Mirror
Sun2Soul Transitions Newsletter
September 2009

Every morning we wake up and begin the same routine usually checking ourselves in the mirror. Perhaps this ritual gives us a starting point as to where to begin our daily preparation however, we usually take one last look in the mirror shortly before we leave the room or the house to assess our final outcome, our look, and give our final approval on our first impression to the world.

In our daily lives there are other forms of mirrors that reflect our impact and affect not only on ourselves but other people and situations. We expect that the “important” people in our lives are placed in key positions for possibly a higher reason. Even those individuals or groups that are weaved into our lives or placed on the periphery appear, at times, to be more notable even though they may require less time or attention from us. How many of us recognize the significant contributions and exchanges that take place between our colleagues, neighbors, friends, family and that complete stranger who we may feel as if we have known our entire lives?

One worthwhile exercise may be to review a recent situation that touched your heart, impacted your thought, motivated you to take action, engaged you in contemplative thought or touched a sore nerve. As you become aware of the event, person or place I encourage you to step back and observe the scenario as a witness introducing an objective viewpoint. Notice the energy that entails this moment in time including, but not limited to, gestures, tones, body language, use of words and of silence, and what the supposed intention of the interaction was for all parties involved. Perhaps you notice that more of your buttons were pushed and you chose to interrupt, threaten, violate, confuse, control, ignore or leave the situation. Perhaps a manipulative method or escape technique you (or the other person) may have used “worked” for the moment. You may have noticed that either during or after the event that you became sensitive to your feelings and/or thoughts leading to possible judgments, assessments, decisions and even resuscitating old familiar patterns. In addition, seek those moments when you were enlightened, moved, or felt connected when applying this exercise. You may find that we can learn just as much, if not even more, when we are taught the lessons of what not to do by the teachers in our lives.

Reflecting on a past situation may be easier than dealing with ourselves and others in the moment of now. Making the effort to examine our actions, words, thoughts and deeds gives us the opportunity to see ourselves as others see us. By dedicating our time, focusing our attention, establishing our intentions, and exercising our energies daily we may better be able to extract and learn from the lessons at hand and entertain less and less the chaos and conflict that cloud our connections to ourselves and inner guidance. As you learn from your experiences and begin to apply knowledge of yourself in your day to day life you will establish a wealth of wisdom. The people, faces, jobs, and scenarios may seem to change but you still wake up with yourself everyday and take another look in the mirror. But this time, look into your eyes deeply and see who is looking back at you in your mirror ~ is it someone you know and would like to know better? What questions do you ask the reflection of your soul ~ and what answers are you willing to hear, listen and learn from right now. Are you becoming the person you know you are and sharing that same person with the world in a truthful and loving manner?

Some of us may have more time than others to find the answers to some of these questions.

Some of us may never even begin to formulate such thought provoking questions that begin the search for our true selves that rests in the soul.

Seek and find the inner connection and you will begin to sense peace in your life.

Experience the journey ~ and learn from the many mirrors you meet.

Intuitive Consultant (Personal, Hospice, Business)

Copyright 2009

To learn more about the mirrors in our lives I recommend reading
The Little Book On Relationship: How To Guide Your Life With Meaning, Purpose and Power by John English.