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Just A Thought ~ 2011 > December 2011 ~ Know When To Let Go
December 2011 ~ Know When To Let Go

Sep 30, 2012

Every beginning has an end. And in some ways, I guess, endings are new beginnings to what is unknown to us and up ahead. At some point we hope to arrive at our destination whether by car or plane, by hours or dates we yearn to have some sense of control over what is happening to us in our lives instead of assuming that there is no free will or choice that directs our lives by cause and effect. We look into the unknown and wonder what will happen to me, to my life, to my children, and everything I’ve ever known ~ though some people avoid such a confrontation until they are forced into these thoughts and decisions. How differently would we live our lives if we addressed the uncomfortable issues more often and faced our own truths instead of dodging the bullets of our emotions? What is our accountability for how we are living in the present moment honoring our feelings and thoughts as well as to other people and situations in our lives? Do we distance ourselves to protect ourselves ~ do we hide to release our commitments we make to each other ~ or do we deceive one another, and ourselves, by dishonoring the person we are responsible for becoming.

In many ways I could attribute my education of what really matters to what a school has taught me but more and more I am realizing the importance of structure in our lives regarding what we stand for, what do we believe in, what do we honor and what do we respect in relationship to how we are living our lives. We don’t necessarily get wiser with age I just think that we are cornered with decisions, at times, that ask us “what do I want, what do I represent,” and just as reflective, “who am I?” The familial and social programming we receive since birth is necessary, I believe, in order for not only people but nations to have some sort of understanding of one another some sort of decency and humane treatment towards each other. We do need a beginning to grow from, to originate from in order for us to proceed with some sort of awareness to base some of our choices on. We can learn from one another by observing, listening, teaching, as well as the more imposing applications of violence and disrespect, judgment and indifference. On occasion, I will watch the local or national news to see what is going on in the world that the media chooses for me to focus on. And, from time to time, I wonder how in the hell have we made it this far…why are we still here?

With the approach of the new year ahead of us there are people who believe that 2012 will be the end of the world. Some people even have a date in mind but whatever the case, I wonder why we continue as a people to focus on the future when we are losing so much of our present? As we continue to fear our deaths, we have already died on some levels because we are experiencing hopelessness, anxiety or sleeplessness, depression or isolation. Seriously, who would want to live that way? The sole answer is not looking into your future or reliving your past over and over again but to live in your power in this very moment. Living in your power means making the necessary changes or adaptations in your life that will support your destiny ~ the one you have chosen consciously for yourself with your soul’s directions. We were never meant to live this life alone ~ unless you want to live it alone ~ and being beside someone who doesn’t know who you really are does not qualify. Living the life of a person whom you know you are not is not genuine. Search for your purpose in hopes of not receiving a monetary bonus or a trophy spouse but with the intention of integrity and honor propelled by your faith in a higher power, other than that of your Ego. When you die you will not be taking anything you have materialistically collected throughout this lifetime in your hands.

Many eyes are watching your every move ~ not only your neighbors but children who are not your own. Strangers will notice whether you are of a light or a dark force and will freely offer you their unsolicited opinion. I recall hearing some words of wisdom which were something to the effect of “it’s not what you do when others are watching, it’s what you do when no one is watching.”

Has our society lost its’ moral compass, it’s conscience, it’s God? Our inner demons will confront us whether we want them to or not through our vulnerable human weaknesses that may evolve or dissolve throughout our lifetimes. Regarding the end of the world ~ could it be an opportunity for us to view death and assess how we are living in the sunlight or shadows of our day-to-day lives? Do we want to continue living a slow death or is it time for a cycle or consciousness to end and arise with a new belief and respect as to how we will revere life and all that supports it? For me, it is a very symbolic representation of where we stand now in our lives as a society. Look around and see how many people you know who appear to be already dead as they live their lives with unending grief, eternal damnation and judgment, and sensing no connection to themselves or others. On the other hand, note the people you interact with that are “different” in some way ~ they light up the darkness. There are no imitations though beware that there are many people who try to illuminate themselves to appear as enlightened. You will know them by the fruit they bear as well as by their sales pitch. What is their purpose, their catch, their take away? What do they give back without charging a price to pay? What do you expect in return for what you have done, what you have said, what you have saved, what you have sacrificed?

One of the most rewarding gifts I have been given is to assist a soul while they are preparing for their transition into the realm, as we know it as death. Physical death, in my opinion, is very symbolic of what appears to be an ending but in some faiths it is a new beginning, a new life. Whatever your personal belief is I encourage you to explore your own fears, thoughts, questions, and insecurities about death. What I have found so far is that some of the souls I have worked with feel a sense of unworthiness to advance towards what their minds perceive to be Heaven and so they struggle with themselves and their fears of their ego thus prolonging their moment of death. We may all feel this way about not only our own death but in our own lives with something that needs to end, the time is done, a relationship is over, a position has been filled, or it’s time to move on. When you recognize what this “blockage” may be give it a chance to become an opportunity for growth and instead of being afraid of it I suggest to remove any drama that is attached to the situation and to listen to The Voice that is within you and only you.
You are worthy.
You are blessed.
You are loved ~
and you will trust yourself
and know when to let go…

Intuitive Consultant (Personal, Business, Hospice)
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