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Just A Thought ~ 2011 > October 2011 ~ The Missing Link
October 2011 ~ The Missing Link

Feb 11, 2012

Some of the most rewarding moments I have known are when I have the opportunity to use my gifts of time, energy and insights to help others in their work, their homes, and their lives. Though some of these interactions are with family and friends I find that some of the most amazing surprises are those that I have with people I don’t know or hardly know at all. Most recently, one of these moments occurred while I was attending a weekly course on Prosperity. One of our homework assignments was to clear out the clutter in our lives by cleaning out a closet, the garage, the car or some place that needed to be organized and letting go of items that no longer serve us today.

This concept is nothing new to me as I am known as someone who enjoys organizing and cleaning ~ it was just something I was born with! Pursuing my interests, personal observations and experiences with energies I began to study Feng Shui a few years ago, which is basically the art of allowing the energy to flow in your life by consciously arranging items, colors, shapes, and materials (energies), in your home, for example, so as to position resources in order to increase supports in life, attract new experiences, new resources, etc. If this idea sounds foreign to you then you may have experienced how one vacant house or apartment feels differently as compared to another house that is the exact same floor plan. You can feel that the energy flows differently through the rooms even though the floor plan may be a flip image or a house that is located in a cul-de-sac as opposed to being nestled in a turn on a country road. Perhaps you rearrange the furniture in your living area or bedroom without realizing why you are doing it but you can usually sense there has been a change in the flow of energy by noting how you feel or by sensing that it looks or feels better. For others, it may be what clothes you wear together or separately and then at other times, it just doesn’t “feel” or look right to you—what changed? The colors may not have reflected your mood or how you wanted to look that day ~ maybe there was a change in you that occurred, most likely an energetic shift since the last time you wore the item and now, it just doesn’t look that good on you anymore. We experience the movement of energy every day in many ways and can do so by moving energies in and around us by thought, meditation, action, words, and even by inspired nudges.

Life has a way of showing each of us how the energy flows or doesn’t flow in our lives. Energy does not rest in a state of complacency but remains in motion as we all do. Observe in your own body the changes that occur every day, seasonally and over the years as we age, be it gracefully or not. Relationships have an ebb and a flow, too, though we sometimes hope that they will never change we can most assuredly witness that they never stay the same. Life changes ~ life changes us or do we choose to change our lives? Do we choose to live our lives selecting the path of least resistance and possibly fewer challenges and, if we do so, then do we circumvent the possible opportunities to grow stronger in order to learn from the lessons first hand?

While I was sitting in the evening class three weeks ago noting the assigned homework, I was guided to assist one of the other participants. I barely knew the woman who was sitting behind me as we had shared a few short conversations and hello/goodbye hugs over the past few classes but I was given a Divine “assignment” (as I call them) and wasn’t sure how I was going to offer my assistance to declutter her home even though I was not aware of any personal needs. Since our weekly homework requests us to tithe two hours of our personal time joyfully using our gifts, services, and/or resources in some way to help others it probably would have been a little unusual for me to offer to go to someone’s home without knowing them let alone without them letting you know they wanted you to help them in the first place.

In that moment of listening to The Voice I knew that my questions would be answered by being patient ~ that has been one of the most valuable lessons I have learned to implement in myself when I am given an opportunity to serve others. My inclination is usually to be a troubleshooter and figure out everything ASAP but in doing the service work over the years (aka “assignments”) I have learned to appreciate that I don’t need to know the when’s and the why’s and to just trust in the process of The Universe.

In the days that followed I was reminded of my “assignment” and wondered when an opportunity would present itself as we had only a few weeks left in the course. The day after this week’s class I volunteered my time to help stuff envelopes for the church and so did “Ann”, the woman who sat behind me in my class. The next morning sitting side by side in a meeting room, we engaged in conversation and, out of nowhere, Ann looked at me and asked me if I would help her organize her cupboards in her kitchen. I smiled, recognizing the magic of the moment, and I responded to her request with a “yes” and she reached over and gave me a hug. Ann shared with me that she had been overwhelmed by some changes in her life recently and that the task was one that she felt was more than she could take on alone. Sensing that this was a very special moment I shared with her the message I had received two weeks earlier and she appeared to be pleasantly surprised and, perhaps, felt encouraged by her own faith in the process. Because we were able to let go of our own inner fears and anxieties (how, when, why?) the flow of life was able to move freely within us and we were both able to ask and know, assess and assist, let go and let flow. God listened to her prayer, we listened to our hearts and acknowledged the gift and experienced the connection. Needless to say, Ann is delighted that her kitchen is now organized and she is once again able to enjoy cooking in her home and plans to donate many items she no longer needs to others who may be less fortunate.

So what assignments have you heard lately? Have you chosen to ignore the nudges that speak to you gently while you are in silence, in traffic, or in your dreams? Though many of us may feel at times that we have nothing substantial to offer or to give others, we overlook the beautiful gift of our time that is supported with our intentions and the presence to be there in body, mind and spirit. You may be sitting in a wheelchair or unable to speak clearly but a loving look, a kind word, and a heart-felt gesture can heal many wounds or comfort and encourage a bruised soul. Whichever way you are prompted I encourage you to listen, act, and believe that you, too, have a Divine Purpose to serve, though it may not be as grandiose as you may hope, just to set your intention and give your time and your talents will be enough for the people or charities who will benefit from your service. I believe you are an important link in this chain of life ~ no more or less important than any other person on this planet ~ for when you consciously act with Divine Intention and Compassion you will no longer believe you are the missing link.

Connect the dots ~ add your link ~ strengthen the chain…

Intuitive Consultant (Personal, Business, Hospice)
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