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Just A Thought ~ 2011 > August 2011 ~ Out Of Touch
August 2011 ~ Out Of Touch

Feb 9, 2012

One thing that many of us have in common is that we know someone who could use a hug ~ it might even be ourselves! As technology has advanced to a higher speed of communication such as texting and using Skype, even the video conferencing capabilities have been present for many years now it just seems though we are “seeing” each other we are “being” with each other less and less. We have the ability to travel at high speeds whether it be across the country or around the world we want more and more of what is “out” there perhaps looking for that high paying job or the soul mate we’ve yet to find there is always something more to want…

Technology is giving us more of a reason to be apart from each other and not allow our five senses to be utilized in the way they once were ~ mostly in person. The media has trained us to entertain our senses in a false “sense” by stimulating them with fantasies and ideals that are nearly, if not totally, impossible to find. Leaving us with a certain feeling of lack, compelling us to continue the quest to look for more, thinking that we have less and to be dissatisfied with where we are at in our lives, never knowing what it feels like to be content with ourselves and our lives at any given moment. Happiness is a fleeting thought ~ a lost memory ~ something that appears in the distance much like a mirage in the desert, seemingly just up ahead, yet it never materializes in our lives.

How can we get from here to there? What is the quick and easy fix so that we can just find the time to relax, enjoy and learn as much from our journey ~ not because we are nearing the end of it or losing it in some form or fashion? As more and more people attempt to become something or someone that they are not I think that we usually find we are looking for the person who we were originally born to become. We take a few detours along the way and yes, we sometimes find that the paths we thought were shortcuts ended up being where we realized that the way was perhaps more difficult as we pursued our selfish desires or listened to the demanding calls of another. And yes, I realize that this can make the way home, let’s say, more eventful for some and for others forgettable. And when we season our journey with judgment well then, it can make it seem worthless and punishing to boot.

All of us have one thing in common for sure ~ we are all on our own journeys of the heart and soul. And what we seek we hope to find in ourselves ~ maybe finding what we are looking for in someone or something else. It’s almost as if we have this desire to find what we believe we are missing but I believe we may be seeking what we have as we haven’t yet found “it” inside of ourselves. One way to find out who we are is to use our basic five senses and to be present in the moment. When we touch a newborn’s hand and feel the innocence of their delicate skin that has yet to be seen by the desert sun or the cradled by the wind before it is driven home from the hospital. As we select our foods may we be able to experience the many tastes they provide and receive the blessings of nourishment and good health. Listen to the sounds that nature has orchestrated for us if we only would simply take the time and listen to the strings of the wind playing with the leaves. Witness before you the beauty of your body ~ serving you throughout this lifetime with every movement, thought and breath to serve you each day. Smell the colors of a mountain rain as it frolics on the petals of the wildflowers that are scattered along the Blue Ridge Parkway. These moments are memories of your life that you will remember and cherish within you ~ they are the genuine gifts you were born with to fully experience this lifetime.

Some people are born with fewer senses, such as being born blind, yet in a mystical way, they are able to “see” in their own mind’s eye a vision that sighted people may think is not possible. Many people believe in remote viewing ~ how is this possible when the remote viewer is hundreds, if not thousands, of miles away from what they are physically present to see with their own two eyes? To me, this is representative of how the senses may not only receive but deliver information to the brain to process for the endeavoring soul. How do we explain how the heart and soul continues to exert such strong emotions years after a loved one has died? Frequencies exist that may not be visible but can be experienced through one if not more of the five senses. And when we live our lives utilizing more of our senses we can better receive what this magical and wondrous Universe has to offer us. We may even be able to know, become and experience what Love is ~ a gift from the Divine.

So the choice is ours to make each day ~ do we allow ourselves to feel what we truly feel and acknowledge and trust in our sensitivities to give needed and valuable information to us and to live more beautifully instead of to simply exist? I believe that The Universe supports us in our experience to live our lives with the multi-dimensional facets of tastes, smells, sounds, sights and touches of joy and peace. Become more aware of the beauty of life and its’ Divine pleasures and you will be rewarded with gratitude and no longer be one of the seekers who were once out of touch. Living in Faith ~ you will have lived life to its’ fullest…no matter how many years you have lived on this Earth…no matter how many years it took you to get here…from over there.

May you be blessed ~

Intuitive Consultant (Personal, Business, Hospice)
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