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Just A Thought ~ 2011 > July 2011 ~ A Perfect Storm
July 2011 ~ A Perfect Storm

Feb 8, 2012

It seems fitting to title this newsletter A Perfect Storm for while I am writing there is a storm occurring outside tonight what is commonly termed here in the southwestern desert as a monsoon. As nature changes and evolves so do we ~ whether we want to or not however more is going on, not only around us but within us, that deserves acknowledgement and respect.

Day by day we all enter our lives and attend to the tasks at hand, the bills to pay and the calls to make and the dates to keep. We can and often do get caught up in the chaos of life and the emotions swirl about and, sometimes like missiles, they jettison out of our control. Whether we realize it or not every word, thought, emotion and action affects our lives and are just as important as every choice we make. Look around you and see all the material goods in your possession and even the natural gifts as provided by The Universe. Before anything was “created” a thought occurred, it transpired, there was an action, a belief, a vision and usually a purpose to what was to become the final result. The creation may also be dependent upon the emotion that is attached and delivered thus fueling its’ birth though its purpose and usage may also be determined by those people who propel the object with possibly their own emotions and needs.

The process of observing those who surround us in our lives, our homes, our workplace and our families is quite a revealing assessment of just what we are capable of doing in our lives. The people who surround us will affect us~ how they perceive, judge, manipulate, love, support, and respond to us. To what percentage they are effective may be based upon the individual’s self-esteem and self-worth but if we take a look at just how we can assist each other in a supportive and compassionate approach and choose to follow our spiritual paths a little more closely I think we would find that our relationships would be genuine, heart-felt, sincere and real. We would no longer feel that we could not express our true selves and thoughts, our skeletons, or our dreams with one another. We would walk the walk closer together with less infringement and fewer defensive tactics and offer more valuable insights, hugs and establish a foundation of trust.

Instead of pursuing the “success” as based upon money and names I wonder how different things would be if more people made a conscious effort to enhance their spiritual journey with not only meditation and attending church but to begin to actively practice in your daily life what you have been supposedly learning all along from the priests or rabbis, your grandparents or Bibles, the Koran or various principles of doctrine. What is the purpose of creating all of these types of instructional methods and systems if the majority of people are not LIVING them by APPLYING this knowledge in their daily lives? As I mentioned some years ago in a past newsletter our beliefs are not what other people think we are doing but how we are Be-Living them—our beliefs are how we live our own actual lives ~ there's no other way to get around it.

When I meet with my general physician he can visually see, review the blood work and check the scale to see if I am following a healthy lifestyle and he knows if I am living a truth or living a lie. If I am not heeding his instruction then why do I keep going back to him? To see if he has changed his mind about what I need to do, for attention's sake, or to give me more time to figure out just how am I going to implement a healthy regimen and to take my health seriously? A teacher, a doctor, a guide, and a leader can always point out what needs to be done in your life and sometimes they may be able to motivate you to get started while you are sitting before them feeling a little overwhelmed with information, your raw emotions and the reality of your life. I don’t know about you but sometimes, when I look in the mirror I don’t always see myself as a stranger would see me. Sometimes I don’t recognize myself or don’t take the time to truly assess where I am in the moment. What is the mirror in your life that you are avoiding? The one that shows you what you look like on the outside, the inside, the corners of your soul or a friend who cares for you with no strings attached?

Finding balance in our lives is also an important step as to completely becoming the person we were born to be. I think it is instilled in us to find that balance instead of giving our power to something outside of ourselves we are to find that power within ourselves and learn to experience and manage the mental, the physical, the emotional, and the spiritual realms. What areas have you been working on for the past 20, 40 or 60 years and what parts have you avoided because you felt or believed you were not able to control them yourself? For me in my lifetime, it has seemed as if the winds and the rains of various experiences could transform themselves into a hurricane and usually the reason was because I was not personally relating to and/or expressing my emotions in the moment. I chose to suppress some emotions such as anger and resentment because I was afraid of them ~ I didn’t like the way that they made me feel (which mostly was feeling out of control of myself) nor did I want to see other people expose their strong currents of emotions with me. Over time I have come to respect that these feelings are just as important as being in love, for example, and that some of these uncomfortable feelings will pass if I only acknowledge them, not necessarily expressing every one of them to the physical world.

Overall, I know that my focus has been more on my spiritual growth over the past twenty years or so and that was an inevitable choice for me. I needed to grasp some sort of understanding as to why I was given the gifts I was given, how to use and respect them and find a higher purpose as to how to apply them in my daily life and share with others, as granted. I don’t consider myself any better of a person for having done so as I have been focusing more on a few of the other realms so I can maintain some sort of grounding and presence in my life. Even though I have been gifted to live with a few extra-ordinary gifts I am still an ordinary person who has her own dreams.

And maybe, we are alike~ no longer needing to live our lives in a perfect storm.

Intuitive Consultant (Personal, Business, Hospice)
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