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Just A Thought ~ 2011 > April 2011 ~ To Be
April 2011 ~ To Be

Feb 4, 2012

Seems to me that as I’m getting older and finding a few more gray hairs on the top of my head I’m getting more comfortable in my skin. No, nothing is perfect or terribly wrong, in my opinion, it’s just becoming easier to be who I am. Allowing myself to reveal my flaws a little more and invite people into my world if they want to see me for me.

As Tennyson wrote years ago “I am a part of all that I have met”, I feel as if this is true for me. In many ways I have interpreted these gifts given by others of time and thought, of humor and silence in my own way choosing to remember those parts of the pieces as I want to reflect upon them and turn away from those splintered edges that no longer serve who I am today. There have been a few significant people in my life that have spent precious moments with me, beside me and some, getting to know and love me in some unique way. And for me, I feel that I am known by them in ways I will never know myself ~ for without them I would never reflect upon these special moments that symbolize the links in the chain of my life. And, as life would have it, these links have been tested over time and some weakened due to the stress of a decision or the weathering of a friendship showing the limits to the strength of the chain and what it can endure or provide.

I’ve recently become aware of feeling unashamed by my nakedness instead of feeling exposed as if there is nothing more or left to hide. This journey has asked, and sometimes required, for my soul to participate more and more with each day I live. For if I wait until I die then what reason would this life grant me the opportunity to not only discover but consciously choose to become the person I am and want to become. With every breath I take, every hug I give, every word I write, or every smile and tear I share these are the moments of my life that I share with the world. To authentically live and soulfully love while I am alive and to not hinder my progress with faithless pursuits or fearful replies is a decision to strive for in my every day interactions with the people around me. To no longer be imprisoned by my imperfections or criticisms or the careless intentions of my own or others is, in itself, another goal to work towards and to believe is possible.

When you can spend time with another person and arrive at the place in your self where there is a perfect peace, a comfortable silence, which is unknown to many and treasured by the few who so choose to seek, listen, and entertain amongst themselves. Where you can be still and know you are heard, you are felt, and known for who you are in the moment of you and just be ~ the person you were born to be, the person you are searching to be and with the person you want to be with ~ these are very special moments in a lifetime that not many people may ever fully experience. And the first step is to seek it from within before you go looking about…

And after you have exorcised your demons, that only you can release, and freed yourself from the shadows of ego and fear may you be able to have room to allow the light into your being and to give way to seeing the beauty that this world has to offer all of us, if we would only believe. One thought, one word, one day at a time is how we will realize and learn that we are breathing our lives in and out of our souls as if we were dancing with one another on the words of our breath with our energetic intentions. If every thought and feeling we ever had were able to be known by everyone around us would we make an honest effort to change or would we leave well enough alone and claim injustice and revel in victimization and judgment? Perhaps if we empower ourselves and choose to live more for the purpose of the soul that is our choice, as written by Shakespeare when he wrote “To be, or not to be, that is the question.” Is your life one that you are living or one that you are sleeping through and maybe, even dying from in some way?

I was thinking yesterday of how just one decision, not only those that you make but also those that another person makes for themselves can have a profound affect upon your life. Recall pivotal moments in your life such as when you may have failed a grade, a fiancée changed their mind and decided not to walk down the aisle with you or maybe you decided to go into business with someone. Now see if you can see how your life would have been different if you had said “I Do” or if they had said “I am sorry to have caused you so much pain ~ please forgive me” or even heard or said those words from the place in the heart that means “I love you.” How different life would have been for all of us if only something was said or not said, done or left undone, forgotten or never forgotten.

And now thinking about it, I don’t want to live in the world of what ifs or what nots but now spend these precious moments living in being who I am with my naked soul and surrounding myself with others who are willing to risk losing the world to find their own soul, as stated in the Bible.

The change starts with me.
The change starts with you.
There is no separation between us.

When we share the breath of Life with each other we are sharing our word, our hearts, our souls, our minds and lives with each other. The difference between life and death is in one single breath on either side of the spectrum. At our birth we inhale and at the time of our death we exhale and the breaths in between we share with one another. Who do you choose to become in this brief span of time we call life? Who do you choose to love and comfort, what do you intend to create and destroy while you are visiting this planet? The choice is and has always been yours, and only yours to make and it is counted with the breaths you take from…and give…to us all.

Intuitive Consultant (Business, Personal, Hospice)
Copyright 2011