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Just A Thought ~ 2010 > October 2010 ~ The Game
October 2010 ~ The Game

Oct 31, 2010

We all play the game in one way or the other…at work, at home, in love, and with ourselves. We sometimes fool ourselves that we have it all together, that life is good, that things are going in the right direction and then all of a sudden, for one reason or another, something happens to us. Due to illness, an accident, a death or an awakening we are destined to have these moments in our lifetimes. I don’t think that we’re meant to overlook these moments but to take the precious opportunity to fine tune our thoughts and intentions, introduce healthy habits and release the relationships that are no longer serving us on our journey, wherever we may end up.

You will find the Game in various places in life, because we all have the key requirement to play the Game which is the ego and, yes, I’m back to that topic again because I see egos running rampant everywhere. We wonder why we are in such a state of disarray, in our homes, our government, our work, our economy. Consider what has served you in the past ten years of your life and be truthful with yourself or else this will be an opportunity lost for you to gain a glimpse of insight into your life and perhaps your heart. Once you recognize those things that have served you then jot it down, take a note and now move on to the second question which is, what have you served in the past ten years? Is the answer easily determined to be the same or did you struggle to find out what you have so (un)consciously been serving and losing your focus for probably more than ten years. Some of you may think that you have been serving your kids but I wonder what was your real reason for having children…was it so you would have a sense of immortality that some part of you would carry on and never die? Was a relationship not providing you with the comfort, the trust, the honesty and the intimacy you so dearly longed for or was it you who held back and chose not to become vulnerable, once again~ never again.

Refer to a time in your past, if you are unable to see how the Game may be working in your life presently. You will find that one of the key indicators, in my opinion, is that your emotions or feelings may feel manipulated, you feel out of control at work, for example, as if you do not have any other choice but to stay and take it. The Game goes against our internal grain, for most of us who do not thrive on our egos, and so we may feel subjected to the rules that never seem to play in our favor~ in fact the rules keep changing even when we haven’t been made aware that they’ve changed. Some people call this Game in the workplace corporate politics but to cover a broader spectrum, I just refer to it as the Game. In relationships, you may feel as if you are the last one to know that it is over which is very similar to how the rules are changed by a person who assumes authority or control. (For those of you dealing with psychopaths/sociopaths I would encourage you to go to www.lovefraud.com and learn how to deal with these particular situations that may occur not only in personal relationships but those found in the workplace as well).

Once you have decided where the Game is evident in your life I suggest you take some time to find out a few things about yourself. Is there a pattern in your life where you are recreating an opportunity for you to incur (self)sabotage, defamation, humiliation or something similar? I had written in a previous newsletter about how energies continue to surface in our lives until we learn how to recognize, confront, deal, learn and move on so we no longer need to repeat the life patterns over and over again (“erase the face” ~ please refer to the November 2008 Newsletter, The Messages of Life). And the games of ego we play with most people in our lives as some people have large egos and others may have learned to tame their egos. Do you expect for everyone to drop what they are doing because you waltzed into the room and the spotlight is to shine on you 24/7 or do you allow others to continue their conversation uninterrupted even though you happened to walk into the room? Take a step back and you can see the ego at work and at play ~ just observe your life and how other people’s egos interact in your life at work, home and with friends. The tug of war may exist within yourself, your soul, and/or your thoughts while sitting at the conference table negotiating a high end deal or having a conversation with your other half at the kitchen table. Where to go from here…

First of all, I would suggest learning how to play by the rules of chess and contemplate every possible move as each piece on the board has various capabilities and “rules” they must adhere to in order to play the Game correctly. You will find that some people who claim they play the Game most likely have the patience and time to learn only checkers and not the stamina nor intelligence it takes to play chess. All in all, your words and actions are extremely important and calculating in order to step carefully in this maze that is before you. Do not cater to your ever changing and sometimes unpredictable emotions because they may confuse you when you most need your ability to strategize. And of course, realize the most important part of all ~ take back your power, because somewhere in the Game, there may have been a careless comment, a senseless point, or a moment in time where you hesitated, and/or did not believe, in you.

What matters most to you ~ and I don’t mean how much money is in your 401k or in your fiancés bank account. Imagine if you had one day to live, what would you do? Would you make a phone call or write a letter of forgiveness, release & free yourself of the judgments you imposed upon others, or simply tell your truth for once even though no one may ever hear you. When you take the action of your genuine soul you will be authentically fulfilled ~ not because you married Mr. Right or divorced Mrs. Wrong, or sold your soul for six figures but because you listened, you took action and followed through when all else may have told you to do otherwise. You chose not to play the Game, not to follow the others because they said that what they believe in is the “right” thing to do. To minimize your chances of being brainwashed by the media, by politics, social morals, and religion you will need to embark upon your journey one day at a time to find out who and what you truly are and what kind of a person you choose to be. You are not a dentist, a mother, a capitalist, an addict ~ these are terms to brand you, to identify you as a group so you will fit in to something that can be easily pegged and then place expectations on you as to how to “perform”. But believe me, on your last day, those titles will not matter to you as much as whether or not you made peace with your soul in this lifetime. Did you abdicate your divine right to experience this lifetime as you were truly born to become or did you foolishly throw/give away your power so you could sabotage your success or blame another for your failures.

Yes, there is a lot to think about while we are on our journey ~ whether we share it with others we mostly go it alone in the corners of our mind, behind the doors of our bedroom or in the crossroads of our heart. We are meant to honor ourselves for we are made in the image of The Divine and when we choose to reflect and be accountable for this truth then we adorn ourselves with our birthright of real beauty and allow others to know us as we know ourselves in our hearts, our intentions, and our purpose everyday ~
that is the power.

Intuitive Consultant (Personal, Business, Hospice)
Copyright 2010