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Just A Thought ~ 2010 > September 2010 ~ A Time To Move
September 2010 ~ A Time To Move

Sep 28, 2010

One thing I am consistently reminded of is that times are a changing ~

Take a moment and see what is really changing around you in your life. Has your workplace reduced the size of their workforce or sales territories have been restructured, a relationship has shifted, evolved or even dissolved. Not only the weather is being affected in various parts of the world but major natural events are occurring weekly, if not almost every other day, as you can see on the Internet or prominently displayed on the evening news. Of course, the media is responsible for reporting the days news however they still have to produce the news that sells, based upon sponsored advertisements. If people aren’t watching what the news station has to offer then the news format changes and a more entertaining news takes front and center stage so we no longer have to deal with the woes of the world.

So many things are going on…people have to make difficult decisions to just get by. Many people are not able to make their mortgage payments and some are unable to feed their families and take extreme measures to get out of their lives, once and for all. We are in a time of precious choice today moreso than in previous years. We may not have had to be as accountable for our actions but we are living with them now...so now what?

Change can be awkward, difficult, and in an unexpected way, even cause an anticipation of fear, that we don’t want things to change because we have become used to how things are and most likely had planned it to stay. Even though we may not have been happy with our former lives we were comfortably numb, invisibly present, overmedicated with the pain of loneliness leading to isolation. We are afraid to face the unknown even if it means dealing with the knowingness that we are dissatisfied with some part, if not most, of our lives. Ponder the thought of how many of our children, let alone their parents, are on antidepressants ~ why are we so sad? So many things were going right for all of us and then the bottom fell out, or something like that.

The times today are offering us an opportunity to reach out to others, our family, our neighbors, our friends, and strangers. To dissolve the line, the wall that has been built between us over the years because of our programming whether it be social, familial, political, or religious. There are the ties that bind us together that no imaginary border, line, geographical or perceived can no longer divide us. There is a reason for this madness that is going on…are you being tossed and turned like a boat on the turbulent seas? What lifeboat are you awaiting to show up to save you, what person will be there for you, what force is with you to turn to when no others are there in the darkness of the night. These changes that are occurring on the planet, in society, in the economy are due to the formats that no longer serve the new order. Change is change ~ it is growth and it is death, it is timed and it is timeless. It’s time to move on, move through this darkness of death, and move-in to the light. What keeps you warm on the inside, what keeps you walking in truth where your heart is pure and light and not easily mislead by the disease of guilt, shame, judgment, and criticism. We are in an age where our words are either lies or the truth reflecting the struggle within that each and every one of us share in common, no matter what identity we are given on this planet for now. It is a fleeting one where we are to find our inner voice and listen and share that genuine truth of who we are in our lives and work, our homes and heart.

Times have changed, as prophesied many years ago. Look into your heart and search for the answers that you are seeking and you will know what isn’t right in your life, We all have this inner compass and it is up to us to choose every moment of our lives as to what voice(s) we will follow and what road we will take. What idol will we worship, whether it be made of stone, of paper, an element, American, or unseen. How committed are we to our spiritual growth, how accountable are we for our lives, how genuine are we in our pursuits of giving love to others without being drowned in the drama of the day. Yes, it is a challenge to overcome, and at times we will need to do the work with others in forms of community, prayer, meditation and keep our focus so we will not be deceived any more. And there is work that each of us must do on our own daily journey.

Yes, the seasons are changing, our lives and world as we know it are changing…it’s time to move on and allow change to afford us the peace of justice, the faith of a future, and the promise that holds true in our hearts. One of my favorite hymns I learned as a child starts out with the words “Be not afraid for I go before you, always…” and my faith encourages me to move forward, to move on, as the change is needed, the change is good.

Make A Move In Your Life ~


Intuitive Consultant (Personal, Business, Hospice)

Copyright 2010