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Just A Thought ~ 2010 > August 2010 ~ A Moment Of Truth
August 2010 ~ A Moment Of Truth

Aug 31, 2010

Just one decision can change your life…one decision can break or bind you and possibly even heal you…one decision, can take your life away from you and those who love you. Just a few weeks ago I was honored to assist a friend who was in her last moments of life as she lay in Hospice care with her three children by her bedside. Intuitively I shared with her pointers to ease her spiritual journey that was she was embarking upon after having lived for only fifty years. Her spirit was that of a trooper, not a fighter, and, to my amazement, the will to live up until the last few days was like an Olympian athlete. Just a week ago, a friend told me that his father was successful in his second attempt to commit suicide. What do these two souls have in common? One had the will to live and the other had the will to die~ they shared the human will to go on…one to stay and one to go on.

Leaving judgments aside, perhaps it is an example of a parallel universe.

Based upon our actions it seems as if we are all “waiting” to die. Yes, I know that people don’t like to talk about their inevitable death and what happens before, during, and after but it seems that the majority is afraid of how they are going to die and then some people are concerned about what happens to them after their body has taken its’ last breath. Occasionally, I am asked by the grieving who are left behind as well as asked by the dying what death is like and, by all means, I completely understand why they would want to know. While some of us learned in our lives to be afraid of death it seems to me that we are just as much afraid of life as we are of death. Another parallel, perhaps?

For those people who want to live (though their bodies are approaching death due to a diagnosis or old age) there may be a waking up of the senses as they may want to taste their favorite foods, hear a special song, look into the eyes of their children, or possibly hold the hand of a soul mate once more. On the other side of the coin, when death is the dream, a person may believe that they will feel better if they left all of this behind and forge ahead, alone, and on their own terms. Various forms of pain have an interesting way of giving us different perceptions of the truth in our moment of decision of whether we want to stay in this life or leave it and move on…to where we go from here we may not know for sure. The soul may entice us to become fearless explorers throughout pivotal moments in our lifetime and what we decide to do with our lives is up to every one of us. In the corners of our minds some decisions reveal while others may conceal our genuine intentions.

I also believe that it is our individual responsibility to prepare those we love for our passing whether it is timely or not. It is in our love that we share not only our mortality but reveal how fragile and precious life truly is even in our last moments before we take our last breath or have a chance to say goodbye though we may not pass for years from now. Life and death share a common bond, to me, as a portal invites us to enter and leave a space and time for another dimension. Keep your heart open as much as possible and it will make the journey all the more worthwhile for you ~ one that will be worth remembering and cherished. A life well lived with the heart is one that you will miss~ the friends you made, the loves you found, the struggles of failure and success that you learned from, the knowledge you gained and lost and the faith you found to be priceless. We all need to believe in something other than ourselves for it seems as if that is the avenue we seem to search for throughout most of our lives~ a connection with someone else and maybe, a Supreme Being.

Our parents and family are our first opportunity to establish a bond with others outside of ourselves and then shortly thereafter, we are introduced to the rest of the world. For some people, their families are missing in action and so, they search for another family to bond with or pursue their own interests with others and build from there. No matter where you find your connection ~ with your family, your wife, your friends, or your God I encourage you to live your life, your loves, and your God with an open heart. No matter what happens, you will begin to heal from your wounds, your blemishes, your leprosy, your hurts. You will know where the heart of your soul leads you in times of question and doubt (which we all have!) as well as when you are buried in your isolation and numbness.

Many years ago there was a time in my life, after the death of a loved one, where my heart was dead for years. I felt nothing ~ not even numbness. I went through the motions of what I knew as reactions of what people expected of me. My heart was no longer existent, in fact, I forgot what it was like to feel love or feel anything as the world seemed rather cruel and egotistical as life seemed to go on without me. Have you ever experienced similar feelings in your life…misunderstood, no longer trusting in the process of life and in some dark moments found yourself drawn to the magnetism of the peace that death seemed to offer? I have been there myself as to what I would term rock bottom for me in my life. I know it is a lonely place to be and that is why I am reaching out to others who may be in or know someone who is in the shadows of death and may know of no way out except one way. Several years later unexpectedly someone was “sent” to me to crack open my heart once again. He was holding a lit candle as he emerged out of the darkness and brought the light unto me. This symbolic moment was over twenty years ago and my heart slowly opened to love and trust the fact that death was no longer casting its’ shadows of doubt over me.

Reach out, look up, ask The Universe for guidance, open your heart and listen to what is in there. What you are feeling and thinking about is important, if not only to yourself, then that is enough…now build from there. If one friend doesn’t answer the phone when you call, then call another and another even if you have to call a hundred people I know there will be one person who will listen. Go for a walk and allow life to be around you ~ invite yourself to become involved with life. God works in mysterious ways and it may not always be in the way we expect the blessings to flow. I have found that when I ask The Universe for guidance or assistance I expect to receive a response. I choose not to carelessly limit The Universe by me selecting who should help me (“And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.” Matthew 21:22).

Allow yourself to trust in the process of how things work themselves out and pay close attention to see what happens whether it be through nature, a television program, overhearing another person’s conversation…just listen, look, feel around you and open your heart to receiving a blessing. When we are facing the most challenging episodes in our lives we may be utilized by The Universe while deigning our vulnerabilities of weakness, disease, loneliness and strife we, too, may be able to give something back to another soul without ever knowing what transpired within the other person. I know that I have personally been given the most beautiful gifts of a soul while it was in the process of transitioning to its next life. They were simple yet powerful moments that can never be replicated again and unique as the person who allowed me to assist them on the next step of their journey.

Trust in your Divine Guidance, follow with your heart and believe...for we all come to a moment in truth where a decision will need to be made whether it be for ourselves or for another person in our service or in our families. Exercising a belief is important in order to keep it alive within you. Every breath you take and give back, until your last breath, is a gift to be shared ~ in love.

Copyright 2010